Wednesday, June 23, 2021

Scientific Discourse


What is Scientific Discourse?  How can you promote science discourse and why is it important?  

One of the main goals of science learning is to help students make sense of scientific phenomena and ideas.  Rich discourse offers students ways to express their ideas, reasoning and thinking, but what does that look like in an elementary classroom?   For more information on scientific discourse check out the:

STEMscopes Scientific Discourse poster- Link 
and the Building Blocks of Science white paper: Promoting Discourse in Science ClassLink 

Tuesday, June 22, 2021

SEP Data Collection Resource


Looking for a way to collect data for the SEPs?  

For each of the 3 data collection options described below, remember to make your own copy and save it in your Google Drive.  From there, you can download and/or print what you need. 

The Science and Engineering Practices (SEPs) are used in NTPS for science grades.  For additional resources on grading, check out the Elementary Science Blog quick links (report card insert, grading, science and engineering practices, science practices grading rubric).    

Option A: Option A is divided into the individual Science and Engineering Practices. On each of the 8 SEP pages, a rubric and brief description of the practice is provided.  

Option B: This option can be downloaded and printed for the whole class or teams of students (4 students per group).  Option B shows all 8 SEPs,which are identified based on the color; Green = priority SEP, Yellow= additional SEP option.  This document is by lesson/scope.    

Option C: Option C lists the lesson/ scope and the SEPs listed for each lesson. A final report card page is available for this option.  

Data collection resource option A- Link 

Data collection resources option B- Link

Data collection resources option C- Link